Grandmother and Judson
Daddy and Judson
Okay, since I am not very good at providing details, I will do my best. Heather woke up Sunday morning about 4:30 having pains and by 6:00 or so we figured out that she was having contractions. This is probably because I worked her in the yard all day Saturday. We made it to the hospital about 8:45 and by the time they had her hooked up to the monitor her contractions were around 3 minutes apart. Shortly after that they handed me a pair of scrubs, it was then was that I realized that we were having our baby that day. Judson was born at 10:29 AM and weighed 7 lbs 7 0zs and measured 20 inches long.
After a two night stay at the hospital we came home and settled in with our new baby boy. We got my mom to stay with us Tuesday night to help since Heather was still a little sore. Heather rested most of the day Tuesday and seemed to be getting around pretty good. Wednesday morning Heather started having a bad headache and was very irritated by sound and light almost like she was having a migraine. We called the doctor's office and they instructed us to go to the hospital as soon as possible. Turns out that where Heather had her spinal did not seal correctly and she was having some fluid leaking internally. They took some blood from her arm and injected it in her back and she instantly felt better. She is 100% better today.
Judson is doing good and seems to be feeding good. He did not sleep great last night so Heather slept with him in the recliner most of the night.
I will go ahead and add a few pics since I typed all of this.