Tuesday, January 27, 2009

We've been tagged

Melissa tagged us...and we thought this would be fun. So, here's what you do:
1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.
2. Select the 4th photo (no exceptions).
3. Post the picture with an explanation and link it back to your tagger.
4. Tag 4 people do do the same.

This is last year about this time. Judson was just starting to eat baby food, and I am pretty sure he is eating sweet potatoes. Those were his favorite. He would get so excited that he would grab the spoon from me as I feed him. This explains the mess on his face and hand. I had hoped that as he got older he wouldn't be such a messy eater, but no such luck. You should see him on spaghetti night!

We tag Chris Wright, Beth Ward, Amber Bagley, and Katie Holland

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fun Times

This is how Judson spent his Martin Luther King Day. The bottom pic is my favorite. Heather said that she was sitting in the living room and Judson was playing in his room and he comes running into the living room wanting her to come to his room with a sense of urgency. She walked in and he had pulled every Kleenex from that box and I guess he was very proud of himself.
Judson loves playing with bubbles
Judson loves to drag all his toys out. He just doesn't like to pick them up.

Judson displaying his kleenex mess. Heather is so tight she folded them back in the box and we are still using them.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Matching Scars

I know that Heather mentioned in an earlier post that I cut my finger opening presents and had to get 4 stitches last Saturday night. I had told her that I was not able to change diapers, give baths, or help out with anything around the house. I was driving home on Tuesday and Heather called and said that she cut her finger opening a can of peas. Luckily Tuesday night is the late night at the clinic in Smackover so we were able to avoid the ER twice. Notice it is the same hand, same finger. We are taking all of the sharp objects out of our house for the new year.